Eulie Lee / Studio L-E's profile

15 Years of Coffee Excellence

15 Years of Coffee Excellence, Starbucks Korea

Design: The collection was launched in July 2014 to celebrate Starbucks Korea's 15th anniversary. 
The typography-centric design was inspired by vintage coffee packaging and advertising, and it tells a story of Starbucks Coffee Korea by numbers – 144,000,000 cups of Americano; 6,500 Partners; 600 stores; 880,000 My Starbucks Rewards Members, etc – along with a dash of coffee-related, engraving-inspired illustrations.
A lot of companies celebrate their 15th anniversaries. But when you say 144,000,000 cups of Americano, it has a whole different feel to it. It becomes palpable and the customers get to feel a sense of participation. It was this emotional interaction with our customers that made this collection very successful.

Result: The sales from merchandise had grown 1253% from the previous year, which exceeded everybody’s wildest expectations. The promotional giveaways such as the paper cup sleeve and the canvas bag helped boosting the sales of summer beverages. More importantly, our customers found this collection a fun way to understand our shared history, and the reaction – sales-wise as well as fervor-wise – was enormous.

©2014 Starbucks Coffee Company

iF Design Award, 2016 
IDEA International Design Excellence Awards, 2015
15 Years of Coffee Excellence

15 Years of Coffee Excellence

Branding & merchandise design for the Starbucks Korea's 15th anniversary
